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Allure Digital Media is a digital marketing company because we do everything under the digital umbrella that a company may need. We develop websites, we develop online representation that include social media creation, development, management and marketing.

We design.
We design everything from your logo and branding to your content. We even do production, taking your images and videos and bring them to life through media development. Whether being a slide show to producing a videos, reels, shorts, social media videos, 15 second ads and 30 seconds ads.
We manage.
We manage everything from your SEO, your website, your social media, your content development, we even develop and manage your campaigns, media development, content posting and produce reports that keeps you informed and updated.
We maintain.
We maintain the standard, we keep up-to-date and informed with the most current processes, technology and certifications to be able to provide our clients with the best possible services, whether it is design standards, web development trends, search engine optimization, functionality, UX/UI tuning and social media marketing policies.
We provide.
We provide an unparalleled service. Our service brings generational experience, years of running through the mill, bringing value through exposure and practice. We also provide exactly what the client needs first, advising our clients when we know a service we offer is not necessarily needed at the moment, saving our clients time and money during their projects or developments.

Allure Digital Media
Allure Digital Media was officially established in 2004 where I found myself in college and working on projects for companies throughout Central America and the United States. The name however came about long after while reading a Scott Fitzgerald novel, can't recall which but reading the word allure got the gears moving and it stuck.
On the right, that's me, Haresh Harjani, owner and founder of Allure Digital Media. Just a normal guy born in the wrong era. A business owner, a loving father and a responsible employer.

Allure Digital Media
Allure Digital Media, first and foremost, is a web development and creative media company that started on Windows 95 and Adobe Photoshop 5.0. Technically I was 7 years old at the time but everyone starts somewhere.
As you can see so far, we are not your usual company. We didn't start right out of college, although college is where it all started on a professional level.
The truth is this all started with a fascination with computers as a 7 year old and a passion for being creative, that's truly how it all began.
At 13 getting contracted by a corporate company in the Caribbean to develop its branding and the Government of another country asking me to design their sports association logo, this is how this became a business.
You are probably wondering about the animals, well, my son gave me the idea. He's 6 and was raving about how unique each animal is just by their colors and how they use those colors to either stand our or as a camouflauge mechanism.
About Us | Allure Digital Media | A Web Development & Digital Marketing Company | Cancun, Mexico | Serving Mexico, USA, Canada, Central America and the Caribbean | Since 2006
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